By purchasing a ticket to Steampunk November the ticketholder agrees to the following terms and conditions: An understanding and granting of permission that their likeness may be captured by members of the media, or other photographers, during the course of the weekend and can be used for promotional uses by Steampunk November and The Amber Inn Academy of Arts; and, an agreement that they will not transmit or aid in transmitting any description, account, picture or reproduction of any part of Steampunk November for any monetary gain in any way, both personal and business; and, agreement to follow all rules of Steampunk November as listed at If the ticketholder causes disruption and/or violates Steampunk November rules or policies, then Steampunk November and The Amber Inn Academy of Arts management and directors reserve the right to remove the violator and prohibit reentry at future events. Individual members assume any and all risks and dangers incidental to participation in events, demos, or activities at Steampunk November, and agree to hold harmless Steampunk November and The Amber Inn Academy of Arts in the event of harm incurred prior to, during, after or incidental to Steampunk November. NO REFUNDS. Steampunk November will occur regardless of weather conditions.
Steampunk November has entertainment for all ages, including families. However, entertainment beginning at 9 pm is adult in nature and is not suitable for ages under 18.

- NO ILLEGAL DRUGS. No drug imitations. The police will be summoned and you will be immediately expelled from our property.
- No pets. Service animals are allowed and should be easily identifiable.
- Alcohol:* Alcoholic beverages will be sold at the saloon.* Steampunk November does NOT permit patrons to bring their own alcoholic beverages. * Anyone under 21 will NOT be allowed access to alcohol. I.D. Will be required.* You are responsible for drinking responsibly, however, we reserve the right to take away your keys if you are too drunk to drive. We will do our best to make accommodations or alternate transportation.
- If a weapon is part of your costume, it must be peace tied or otherwise rendered inert or safe in the opinion of Steampunk November’s Troubleshooter Team.
- Violence and violent disruptions will not be tolerated. Harassment of others (without their consent) will not be tolerated.
- Anyone under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a parent/guardian at ALL TIMES. There is adult content at this party. There is alcohol present.
- You must stay out of areas marked with “Restricted” and/or “Authorized Personnel Only.”
- Disorderly or offensive behavior, or behavior deemed unacceptable by Steampunk November representatives will result in your expulsion without compensation.

You will be provided a camping pass please make sure it is visible or accessible upon request from the staff or Troubleshooting team.
- Campers are expected to follow all venue rules (see above)
- Lights out Friday is 1 am. Lights out Saturday is 2 am. This will be enforced by Event Staff.
- No open campfires. Fires must be contained in a barrel or canister approved by our campground managers. You are not allowed to cut down any trees. You must bring your own firewood.
- Do not disturb the neighbors. (Surrounding Homes In the area)
- Do not disturb your camping neighbors.
- Clean up after yourself. Failure to clean your campgrounds may be charged a clean-up fee.
- No violence of any kind, or domestic disputes.
Our Campground Manager and Troubleshooting team are empowered to expel you at any time for the duration of the weekend with no refund.
You, the ticket holder, voluntarily assume all risk and danger of personal injury and all other hazards arising from or related to in any way to Steampunk November or The Amber Inn Academy of Arts whether occurring prior to, during, or after the festival.
Lost and found.
Found items will be held at “lost and found” in the ticket booth. Steampunk November and/or The Amber Inn Academy of Arts is not responsible for items missing or damaged. Items may be turned over to the police if deemed necessary.
Photography policy:
Visitors are welcome to take photographs for personal use. You agree that you will not transmit or aid in transmitting any description, account, picture, or reproduction of any part of Steampunk November for any monetary gain in any way, Both personal and business.
By entering the property you grant permission to Steampunk November and The Amber Inn Academy of Arts to utilize your image or likeness incidental to any live or recorded video display or other transmission or reproduction in whole or in part of Steampunk November.